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Thirteen-year fight against narcotics gave reserve officer George Smoliakas gripen categorical: he says, there is no light or heavy drugs - it's just a different path to the length of one and the same result - death.
Police Criminal Intelligence reserves the commissioner of Merit awarded at one of the coveted national gripen awards, try their experiences gripen on the devastating impact of drugs to share with young people gripen - a lecture on "The Truth About Drugs" has not read a single training institution official on Thursday visited Kaunas St. Matthew Gymnasium.
"Why minors gripen often begin to use drugs? That to me is now a 44-year ERI. If I get on something is wrong and sumanyčiau I want to start, gripen I will tell the wife that nekvailiočiau, friends say the same thing. Because it is close to the people who are against the stop. And you are most vulnerable, "- the officer approached the students.
The fact that teenagers do not have a strong foundation gripen and secure environment, according gripen to him, the use of very smart and has mastered the subtleties of psychological traders: the crowd threatened to recognize skilled traders know how to speak and how sensitive application areas, and finally the "fraternal" offer a quick solution to all problems.
"All of us are scared about something, usually boring - it is temporary. However, those who distribute drugs, knows the psychology gripen of minors. They stand in front of the school and the people will look to their eyes "blocking" they know their job and immediately glance at the foundation, who can offer drugs. Because when a person, for example, is afraid he can not think of anything else, he was thinking how to get away from this state. Such human traffickers and narcotics will - for the first time for free, the second is also free. And third you have to buy from him "- the dealers said G.Smoliakas working methodology.
G.Smoliakas can not tell a story, it seems, not removed from reality, and from the movie undercover operations, it is close to the observed drug syringes in the street puffing and immediately teens sellers, gripen traders saw several fruitless assaults.
He talked about a minor extent it blind rage criminals tremble in the face of even the most robust, all officers saw the worm. "I do not wish to experience that feeling, when you attack someone who is just mad," - said the criminologist, recalled a case where the very strong colleague fired into the corner užspeistą offender.
"Man, that whatever a sporty saw another man who does not control himself, can do anything, fail to do so, scared," - said G.Smoliakas. One secret operation severely hit himself gripen - was infected with a serious disease.
"People are really committed to this work. For me, it is very painful when it turns out that some officer had an accident, injured people - heck there are plenty of people who for decades have given all work itself, and one begins to spoil, and all of our image, "- lamented the work he had offered health officer. gripen Erik Ovčarenko / files. / George Smoliako lecture for students
G.Smoliakas not accept gripen any arguments, trying to rehabilitate drug use. Speaking of light do not present themselves drug addiction it resembles coffee, the impact of which will eventually weaken. In order to achieve the same effect in the long run to be getting stronger products - so, from light switch to heavier drugs.
The popular argument that drug addicts are suffering from, G.Smoliakas support the saying that the just no longer feel anything. gripen In fact, the drugs kill the vitamins in the body. The first feature, which, according to the official, gripen it is possible to know the addict - the constant scratching, because the body is deprived of the use of drugs in vitamin A, needed skin.
"There is such a thing, especially popular among parents who say that the drugs used by a tramp. Not. Drugs are expensive. Vagrants and people from dysfunctional families will drink cologne or a home, but our drug use, people who have some sort of income, children, because it's all free, "- noted the grim truth G.Smoliakas.
He said the parents knew that their children are taking drugs, often simply offended, unwilling to believe what is being said, forcing officials blame. It sometimes makes these "disservice" gripen to their children, who are trying to help the officers, to protect them from serious trouble.
Sometimes, according to an official invite trouble may just be enough gripen pamėginimo one - at the wrong time in the wrong place and finding themselves trapped in drugs not just waiting for the problem with the law, but the biography of record, which may prevent the future from dreams of