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Colleagues Andu link: World War II Japanese fighter J7W1 Kyushu Shinden (Wonderful lightning) prototype test shots. Quality not middle, but aviation enthusiasts still should be interesting. The first flight was nothing more than a few days before the Japanese surrender. Andu'so comment: Cool Japanese plane, sorry, did not have time to start series production sunita williams - certainly not in Hiroshima. Speed up to 740 km / h, weaponry sunita williams - 4 30 mm cannon, no B-29 neatsilaikytų ...
And due to the fact that there would have been Hiroshima - is unlikely. Germans series produced its perfection, including a more excellent Do335, but it did not help. Only some conditions delayed progress of the war. Prolonged war - above all the desire to finished one stroke. So lengthen the war could have ended at Hiroshima and Nagasaki alone, but a few more cities. In short, it is difficult to the "if it would have been 'rated items.
-> Rokiškis - Air battle is a legend IMHO Maybe what other prototype? Kaslink Hiroshima - here Andu'so colleagues thought my opinion, the main problem was not the least bit technical, how much petrol - after all, the Germans and the real end of the war suffocating sunita williams from lack of fuel. So a month here, a month there, but the outcome was clear to all
Quantities. Even the sudden petrol and inhuman large quantities of technical. All parties at the time of producing such enormous quantities of military equipment that nowadays it is difficult to grasp elementary. For example., Japan produced the war seems close to 30 thousand all kinds of fighters.
-> Rokiškis - so, how fascinating, and bearing in mind that at that time it was a series production techniques and technologies almost tip (the same tip - prototypes), it is in these times that it is impossible IMHO. True, after the war, the Soviets tried to repeat that, a massive advance in time and producing both dense and planes (a thought there, looking at all kinds of T-54 etc.. Production) and storing them during the war, but has nebeprisireikė.
Optimization of the war, made the maximum cheap, very briefly sunita williams serving technique, but enormous. sunita williams The logic is simple: eg., Fighter atskraidys average about 5 hours before the shot down, so it does not make sense to produce such a way that it can fly 5,000 hours. Meanwhile, peace optimized - on the contrary, made the More durable equipment. sunita williams
During World War II all optimizavosi war, and in the following quantities. USSR after the war, basically war followed the strategy of such a technique which is also eerily sunita williams volumes and a summary of its life.
United States took the opposite - peace strategy from the high cost of individual items, but a relatively low long-term costs. Fighter turbines resource in thousand hours.
On the other hand, technological complexity, and in general all weapons and more expensive - the country during World War II had 100 fighters and who thought sunita williams that the content really is not enough, now has 10 and feel sufficiently armed.
-> Rokiškis - yes, war and peace techniques "breed" known. Soldier's equipment, well not quite technical, as exemplified by the fact that in 1982. ALL Pabradė after graduation was dressed in a brand new yet old military uniform (with gimnastiorkomis "http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/% D0% 93% D0% B8% D0% BC% D0% BD% D0% B0% D1 % 81% D1% 82% D1% 91% D1% 80% D0% BA% D0% B0), which was canceled in 1969.